Somos da Confederação do Elo Social do Brasil em parceria com o Instituto INER, que com um conjunto de medidas e ações, através de... continuar lendo
We are from the Elo Social Brazil Confederation in partnership with the INER Institute, which, through a set of measures and actions implemented by... continue reading
Ous sommes de la Confédération Elo Social Brésil en partenariat avec l'Institut INER, qui, par un ensemble de mesures et d'actions à travers les... continuer à lire

We are from the Elo Social Brazil Confederation in partnership with the INER Institute, which, through a set of measures and actions implemented by the Commanders of Order of Social Merit, is committed to defend our dear planet against the constant attacks and threats of the human kind.
We are from the Elo Social Brazil Confederation in partnership with the INER Institute, which, through a set of measures and actions implemented by the Commanders of Order of Social Merit, is committed to defend our dear planet against the constant attacks and threats of the human kind.
Therefore, these nations should turn to Africa for a partnership in order to reduce the threats and attacks that degrade their environment.
We are concerned by the fact that Africa does exploit its agricultural assets to its full potential. This is where our proposal comes in handy as we will be working into a transformation process of all organic residues into chemical fertilizers of diverse kind.
This process will help us to reduce a numerous sort of diseases caused or associated to the insalubrity and it will also be a contribution to the agricultural development. As a social institution, we are not able, time wise, to travel as often as this project requires to do so, but we are aware of the emergency that this particular case carries, which is the reason why we are thrilled and grateful by the interest you have shown in this project.
With the embassy input, we will be able to achieve a broader distribution system, for both factories and social buildings throughout the nations. This logistic system will result in a profitable business development that will allow us to create a travelling commission in charge of compelling a thorough study on the viability of the project in the said country. This will be achieved by organizing and calling in meeting with the government and local entrepreneurs, therefore we are hoping for a smooth collaboration with the embassy and we appreciate the time devoted by our teams to travel to the 54 countries listed.
Should you wish to meet us for further details and information regarding this project, as we believe a meeting to
discuss technical details and implementation plans of the INER system could be necessary, we are available to do so
at the moment of your convenience.